Within Phoenix House students are provided with the equipment and support to complete daily homework requirements and residential staff liaise closely with teaching staff to ensure acceptable standards are being met. With this input, students can eventually acquire the skills to become independent learners.
Language development is a vital part of our student’s education. In Phoenix House, students have every opportunity to develop their BSL with their peers and the staff team, all experienced signers, two of which are deaf. Where appropriate, residential staff work with our Speech and Language Therapists to support students individual targets and improve their listening and speaking skills.
Residential staff support a number of educational support programmes including Reading Link and Circle Time.
Daily Circle Time sessions are an opportunity for students to participate in a programme of PSHE topics and means students develop their skills in a group setting. Through topics including healthy living, diversity and careers students participate in discussion and activities and develop their confidence and knowledge. We regularly invite outside speakers to hold workshops or share experiences.
Through our Reading Link programme, students have an opportunity to improve their literacy levels, the foundation stone for learning. Each student has reading material appropriate to their level and a selection of magazines and newspapers are provided.
Regular 1-1 sessions between key worker and student means students receive support with day to day challenges. Residential staff work closely with students and empower them to make their own choices and decisions.
Living as part of a community offers students the opportunity to develop their social skills and contribute to the day to day running of the department. Students and staff use regular group meetings to discuss plans and implement ideas making a valuable opportunity for students to work as a team.
Students are encouraged to undertake activities as part of a group or individually. We support the students to identify appropriate opportunities taking into accountability, culture and religion. A wide range of interests and constructive activities are provided. Students may join local groups either within the hearing or Deaf community and are supported by staff where necessary.